It is interesting to see how other schools use the CogAT. I guess it will depend on how the school uses the test, and whether they will accept the WISC.

In our schools, CogAT is the one of the various "screener," tests (EVERYONE takes it), and the screening # cut-off is not very high, IMO. They do NOT use the non-verbal portion for screening, although they do have the students take this portion. Then, however, additional tests are added to the "selection" process, including a Wechsler IQ test by the school. The required Wechsler # is higher.

I am not certain what would happen if you approached our school with qualifying scores in advance of the CogAT, but it would seem to make the "screening" to take the Wechsler unnecessary (I get the sense that CogAT is used so everyone does not have to be given an individual IQ test).