Thanks. Additional info - my daughter started reading around age 3 1/2 self taught. She consistently is max'ed out on the reading assessments in the classroom and her teacher shared with me that she recently scored highest in the grade on beginning of the year reading assessment. We don't know what her true level is since the teacher can only test her to the 5th grade level and she's max'ed that out as early as the beginning of 2nd grade. We are in the top performing school in the district and over half the kids qualify for AG, so she has some competition. She is an excellent reader and this score is not a valid measure of her ability. It's more a product of her attention problems.
My district has had her scores since September when I submitted them. I had asked back then to contact me asap if the scores I submitted were an issue for gifted. I heard nothing. I finally called today since letters will be going out soon to start services and just wanted to make sure all is well. They tell me this.... I'm frustrated....