If it's any consolation (particularly for the poster who's child is just 2 years old) . Both of my kids (one 2E w/ sensory issues and the other completely neurotypical) had issues at one point or another with water in their face. Both still highly dislike face/hair washes. But both swim. The older one with the issues has coordination problems and more trouble with it but he is incredibly determined. At swim lessons they only allow him to wear regular googles (not the scuba ones which he prefers) and he's fine with it though the minute lessons are over he puts his scuba googles on. Anyway just wanted to let you know both had major issues with water in the face and both swim now... smile And there is no need to 'toss 'em until the get over it' or anything - you can be gentle. The swim place we are at now is hardcore ... They want the kid to "push through" but when my kids were to scared or too uncomfortable we took breaks (against the hardcore swim place's advice). There is no need for a three year old to be a proficient swimmer - we have time and can take it slow. It doesn't seem that either child suffered immensely from going slow. No, they were not showing off spectacular swimming skills at 3 years old but I was more than okay with that. My guideline (for my own guys) is more like by 8 years old they should be somewhat proficient or getting there (and that's just based on how MY guys are not a general feeling that all kids should be at a certain point by a certain age as all kids are different and certainly some have issues that make it really hard for them!)

Last edited by Irena; 01/01/14 09:36 AM.