Originally Posted by Leliz472071
Psychologist said nothing was wrong so I started researching and found the OE which described her totally. She would say things happened that didn't and really believe what she was saying. She thinks her stuffed animals are human an she's 11. She is very talented in art, music, and graphic design and most of the day at school will draw and make stories instead of work. She has been labeled as being bad at school. I ha e tried everything with her and she has the I don't care attitude. She is an a avid reader and when she does reports she will write every single detail of a thing that doesn't matter for a report. Ex full description of a tree and how the leaves will sway. She cannot generalize.

Not to be alarming, but what you've posted is very suggestive of a girl with Asperger's. The failure to recognize others' priorities is sometimes strong will, but sometimes a social skills deficit. Likewise the failure to generalize is frequently associated with kids on the autism spectrum.

There is AFAIK no proof that the theory of OEs has any validity, and IME they're often used to excuse real issues that should be treated. It sometimes happens that a gifted kid also has other issues, and that those should be dealt with.

My feeling is that since school is going so poorly, it would valuable to have the school and parents together troubleshoot what's going on and teach her the necessary skills, rather than just writing off the problems as OEs. Just my two cents.