Blogs, op-ed columns, and news media everywhere are discussing the year in review. What are your thoughts on 2013 as viewed in relation to gifted issues?

For example, what was your book of the year? What books did you read? New ones/old ones?

What did your kids study/learn that may have left a lasting impression, resonated deeply with them, or changed their course?

What successes and highlights did 2013 bring?

What were 2013's setbacks and opportunities to learn and try again?

What do you hope the new year brings? What books are you looking forwarding to reading, projects are your kids hoping to tackle, or goals are you setting for the new year?

Here's wishing each of you the opportunities you'd like to see materialize and the successes you'd like to bring about for your DC's educations in the new year! ... fueled in part by vicarious learning from reading gifted forums...! smile