DS7 is in a gifted magnet program. Writing has always been a relative weakness, and I suspect dysgraphia but am just not sure. In class, his writing is really below that of his peers and barely on grade level. Handwriting is always illegible to unfamiliar readers and often illegible even to familiar readers. Lots of letter reversals, spelling is awful and mechanics too. You kind of have to pick one thing to focus on for him to do okay - it can be neat OR detailed and interesting OR have good mechanics - never all three.

The school tested him with the WJ3 and his scores were:

Letter-Word ID - 128 / Superior
Reading Fluency - 126/Superior
Passage Comprehension - 123/Superior
Calculation - 128/Superior
Math Fluency - 146/Very Sup.
Applied Problems - 135/Very Sup.
Spelling - 110 / Avg.
Writing Fluency - 123/Superior
Writing Samples - 126/Superior

Overall cluster scores were 126 for reading, 143 for math, and 121 for written language.

An OT observed him and wrote up that report - nothing remarkable. Adequate pencil grip, she did note that he appeared to need extra time for thinking and writing.

We have the review meeting to determine eligibility next week. DS told me he met with a man today for more tests, who I think is the school psychologist, but it had something to do with drawing and building with 4 and 9 blocks.

It does not appear that an ability test was administered, as no FSIQ was reported in the documents I was given. I don't know what to think. I'm an elem. teacher and familiar with LD, but just can't figure out if my own son has one or not, and I am not sure enough assessments were administered to dx him with one.

I'd appreciate any input you can offer.