Originally Posted by hnz1979
I'm also concerned that ds needs so much sleep. He never seems quite tested despite naps and melatonin at bedtime?

What does his pediatrician say about the sleep issues? If you haven't discussed this with your ped, I would. FWIW, there are medical reasons why a child might not be getting enough sleep - and if he's not getting enough sleep you could be seeing the overflow from that in behavior struggles during the day.

I also wonder if his sensory needs are getting in the way of a good night's sleep? You can go in so many different directions with sensory needs/challenges depending on the individual child that it's tough to give advice about it - but just curious - have you tried having him sleep under a weighted blanket or in a sleeping bag? Does he complain about having sheets scratching his skin or anything like that? Is he waking up a lot at night or just always tired?

Like Amy, I'd also be wary of trying ADHD meds before you've worked through the sleep issues as much as possible. When you say he is so different than the kids in his new class - how is he different? Is he different in a way that looks like ADHD or in some other way? I really wonder about his comments that he is not smart. Have you asked him why he feels like he's not smart? I wonder if his answers to that question might help you think through whether or not it's ADHD or an LD that is the real challenge for him.

What is the school's reason for testing? If the school is redoing IQ and achievement testing due to behavior challenges in the classroom, are they also doing any kind of functional behavior observations etc?

Best wishes as you try to figure it all out -
