Recently my DD4 has developed a very bad attitude towards DS2 and towards me - yelling, being rude, stomping feet etc. This is a real problem because it sets of DS and then they get into it and then I have to intervene. Previously DD has, as much as a 4 year old can, been kind and fairly patient with DS. In the past two months DD has become increasingly intolerant of DS and his interest in being with and like his sister. As well, DD has started becoming inflexible with me and my requests for cleaning up toys, putting dishes in the sink etc.

A little over a week ago I noticed a complete reversal in attitude after reading with DD for about a half hour about endangered species. So over the past week I have been trying to reverse the behavior by taking a bit of time to do a bit of reading about endangered species, ocean pollution etc. It seems to be working. We have not in the past done structured learning at home, mostly just let DD play as she liked. She did not ask to read with me, I offered and she has accepted readily.

A bit of background. DD is in a Montessori school 3-5yr class full time, and hasn't mentioned she isn't learning - though I know she is at times not challenged. DD loves to learn and I have been confused that she does not come home very often talking about what she learned that day or what she is working on.

My question is have any of you experienced anything like this before? Could this be related to lack of learning in school? I do not think this is related to lack of attention from me as I do play with the children all the time. Also, she was just home for 11 days and the attitude continued. I am about at my wits end with the conflict between my children, and if all I have to do is fix (haha) the school situation I will hop right to it smile Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!