DD is also often frustrated when other students don't follow directions or misbehave. She has a very keen sense fairness.

Her teacher and I had a discussion about a behaviour problem yesterday. DD is one of the shortest kids in her class. She has to use a stool to hang up her coat and she shares this stool with another student. Apparently, for the past week he has been pushing her off of the stool and refuses to share it with her. She told the teacher and the teacher asked him to apologize. He initially refused and after being told that he would be sent to the office eventually apologized.

DD was asked to come up with a solution. Her solution was that they would take turns going first on the stool. In the morning she would go first and in the afternoon he would go first. He agreed and then yesterday when she went to use the stool he pushed her off again and started screaming that he didn't want to share the stool with her. Completely frustrated. DD started yelling at him: You are always pushing me. Stop pushing me and then she actually growled at him. (Totally not characteristic of her, but she had had enough)

Subsequently, his "cubby" area has been moved and DD doesn't have to share with him anymore - she gets that specific stool forever. He has to use a different one.

I think it is unfair that your daughter is being punished by having time deducted from recess. Did you get a chance to explain to the teacher that part of her frustration comes from the fact that she feels she is being penalized when others misbehave?

I do know our teacher has said that they have called in extra resources to assist with some behaviour issues that have been happening in our class. Is that something your DDs teachers are doing/able to do? Also, DD's teacher has made it clear that if she is feeling frustrated or that if she feels something is unfair to come and tell them. This very well could be a classroom management issue.

We've also discussed ignoring bad behaviour and trying to make good choices. I'm with you, it's a process.

Last edited by eyreapparent; 11/16/13 05:52 AM.