Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Originally Posted by Mk13
DS is the goofy silly kid too when it comes to avoid doing what he's supposed to. I only see him angry when it comes to writing. And only really swings his hands when he's physically touched and pushed to do something. But he will ask you to stop doing it. So it's only if it continues that he might push and punch. He's been in various therapies since 3 months old and for the most part enjoys them. So makes me wonder how this OT handles her work / and him?
I just wonder whether he might have felt unable to ask the OT to stop, if in school the relationships with adults feel more authoritarian than those within which he's been able to ask? If so, he then might have gone to punching without warning because he was trying to be compliant until he just couldn't, iyswim?

that could also be the case. He tries really hard to keep it together at school. But I know he'd first push, certainly not punch right away. It could also be he was just swinging his hands to keep the therapist at a distance and they took it for punching. Not sure how to explain it but I'm sure you know what I mean.