I got an email stating they are writing DS up as Physically Impaired for an IEP. Yes! What a ridiculous thing to be happy about, but maybe now he can actually get help at school, esp. if we change schools next year. Hopefully if we change districts the new district will accept the results.

They want his pediatrician to verify that he does indeed have Developmental Coordination Disorder which is annoying to me. Why isn't the diagnosis on the neuropsych report enough?
Now am I going to have to pay a $23 co-pay so pediatrician can look at him again and give her own diagnosis? Crazy! She's the one who referred him to the neuropsych!

IEP meeting on Tuesday--I still don't have any of the test results and have no idea what their "plan" is. Supposedly they got a POHI lady from the special ed district (physical and other health impairments) to help them with the evaluation. If anyone remembers, this school had no idea what the special ed categories even were a couple months ago. So we are making progress.