Hello everyone. Wow, it's been over 2.5 years since I last posted! I just found this link on my favorites and..here I am again. You were all very helpful and friendly...great forum at a time of some confusion with my son's path, thank you.
Alexandre is now 7 years old. While we discussed with the French-American school having him skip 1st grade, ultimately he did go through with it because they felt he just wasn't emotionally mature enough. At the end of 1st year his teacher encouraged us to address the skipping grade issue again because she felt he would be bored in 2nd grade. The school tested his reading comprehension (5th grade level) and agreed to have him attend 3rd grade. It helped that his math skills are very good too and whizzed through 2nd grade math over the summer.
While he is the youngest (will be 8 in April) he is one of the taller kids and doesn't seem to have adaptation issues. His scholastic level is high although we see (particularly from girls) that his creative writing isn't as well developed or even that his writing is not as well formed as other kids in his class.
In some way the challenge has been for us parents to adjust to this new reality. We've caught ourselves a few times getting impatient with errors of attention that we were not accustomed to in the past when everything seemed super easy for him. We started pressuring him in ways we didn't even realize because we'd only known him to breeze through school work. We're now more patient and available to work with him than before. Next week will be our first teach/parents conference and, while I expect the congratulatory statements for his achievements so far, I also really hope to learn about his areas for improvements to guide me through what I can do at home... Anyway, sorry for going on and on about my son. I'm just excited to have found this website again!

Last edited by vicbee; 11/11/13 02:43 PM.