Originally Posted by madeinuk
My DD was all over the map at that age here are some that I think a boy might like too:-

Harry Potter
The Hobbit
The Wind in the willows

While I LOVE The Harry Potter Books & The Hobbit. I personally suggest you wait till he is a bit older. They do make excellent read out loud books. Something I had to learn a bit myself through experience was that as adults we can be in such a rush to introduce literature when we realized we have such a gifted reader. We forget to sometimes slow down a bit and wait till a kid is more age appropriate to enjoy the nuances book.

The Harry Potter books were designed to "grow" with the young teens and after book 3 they really are TEEN books. I honestly think they are better appreciated by children 8+, no mater their reading level. My experience is bright kids can actually be more sensitive to the violence and dying but not mature enough to really handle it.