I realize this is not a novel question around here; but is one keeping me up at night (and you are the only people I can bounce ideas off of/ go to for advice and guidance.)

My ds6 is in 1st grade ps. I have a lot of concerns about if this school is right for him. We are still in the process of gifted eligibility (although we have private scores). Differentiation and pull out are dependent on MAP scores. (Yet, even though his reading is 99%, he doesn't get pulled out.) otherwise, gt is just enrichment 1x/ week.

Ds is complaining that everything is easy at school. He is back to acting "very silly" to. Get attention from kids at school. Overall, I am worried about underachievement. He also wants to fit in with these kids. I also am afraid that the overall pace of school is too slow (ex. Last year he would do activities on Compass Learning/ Time for learning. This year, he hates it and gets frustrated and and angry. He tries to click ahead, but can't.

These are the current options ive come up with:

I've wondered about homeschool; but I'm terrified. However, there a coop near by that seems good. Not to mention of the fun classes in the surrounding area.

Private gifted school that's an hour away. Challenging for the distance esp because we have a younger ds.

Virtual school: yet, I'm concerned about "clocking" hours, connection to other students, and how moving through the material really works.

Montessori- there is one about 15-20mins away in city. i am not sure about the Montessori way or if this is right for my ds (3 year class, with last year being a mentor).

Oh and next year would be a new school for ds, because re- districting is happening. I realize there is no "right" answer;but would love to hear feedback or persona experience with above schooling option.
