Originally Posted by blackcat
Originally Posted by polarbear
The tests that were useful in diagnosing our ds' dysgraphia were finger-tapping - the results of the finger tapping tests combined with the Beery VMI will give you a clue re is it a fine motor issue or a visual-perceptual issue.

So I'm assuming he did Ok on the finger tapping? I think my DS would do poorly on that, just like screwing pegs into the board. If he has dysgraphia, it's the motor type and related to his Developmental Coordination Disorder.

blackcat, I'm not sure if you're asking the OP about the fingertapping or me - fwiw, my dysgraphic ds (who has DCD), had low scores on fingertapping, which indicates a neurological disconnect between the brain signals and fine motor function in the hands... which is why it's helpful determining if the dysgraphia is due to fine motor or not. You can sorta check finger tapping yourself at home if you want to try it - the "tapping" is just putting together different combinations of fingers with thumb (all on same hand) and asking the child to repeat what you do. It looks really easy - but my ds can't do it! When his neuropsych showed us the first time, I didn't believe her because it was something that just *looks* so simple. Turns out neither my ds or my dh can do it - they think they are copying what you show them but their hands and fingers are doing totally different things.
