Based on my experience, I would not go the virtual school route. We are having a very difficult time this year with my 6yo because the curriculum, even above grade-level, is just so simplistic and boring. We've homeschooled our kids for 10+ years and I thought I would try the virtual school because I was burning through curriculum so fast with my youngest. It's not that the curriculum is necessarily bad, but it has been a bad fit for a really advanced student and she is still required to take grade 1 reading assessments throughout the year, even though she is reading at 5th grade level. So she is literally sitting there sounding out nonsense words and simple letter sounds with a teacher. I am not sure how much longer I can deal with it and she is constantly telling me school is wasting her time smile

I know a lot of people that homeschool talk about their "philosophy" behind educating their kids, and that is great and all, but really every kids is different and every family homeschools for different reasons. I wouldn't agonize so much about what method to use, I would just research the main subjects and start with them, adding the extras as you get more comfortable. I think the biggest mistake new homeschoolers make is spending way too much money on curriculum the first year.

I really like organization and structure and I homeschooled for many years checking off boxes, but then I had a kid that was very advanced. And she learns quickly and her learning doesn't always wait for my plan. I have just had to accept that and I am much happier.

How old is your child?