I wonder if this depends on geographic region, because I have a problem getting people to return my emails just in general. It's like people just don't understand that you should return an email just like you would return a phone call. The most annoying thing is that I went in to talk to her the week before school started and told her that there was a breakdown in communication last year and that DD was doing poorly on her meds for a few months before I even heard about it. I told her it's going to be really important to communicate back and forth and she seemed to agree. So for her to just ignore an email after that discussion is over the top. In the email I mentioned that I think DD should be evaluated and I've brought up her possible need for a 504 a couple times in the past, so it's possible she's checking into that, but why not just write back and say that. I guess instead of becoming furious about it I should just call her, hope she calls me back, and ask her if she received my email.