I am looking at our insurance plan and this is what it says about neuropsychological testing. So if someone has autism, they are just supposed to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket to get a diagnosis because "there is not evidence that the results will be effective in guiding treatment?" What the heck? And what about ADHD? They would rather a primary care physician whip out their prescription pad and write a prescription as soon as someone says they are not focused without doing a thorough evaluation (our plan DOES cover medications for ADHD but not TESTING for ADHD)?

Indications that are not covered

Not covered for the following conditions because there is not evidence that the results will be effective in guiding treatment:
Autism spectrum disorder/pervasive developmental disorder
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Developmental disability, developmental delay
When performed in association with vocational counseling or training
Learning disability
Mental retardation
Tourette's syndrome
Baseline testing prior to chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer

Last edited by blackcat; 10/15/13 07:15 PM. Reason: typo