Originally Posted by Loy58
Is your DD a perfectionist and could that be slowing her down? Would the school consider a WASI (although if you really want the information about processing speed this might not give you what you want)?

Sorry about the delay replying. I don't think she's a perfectionist. She has been bringing home spelling tests where she didn't even attempt to write some of the words and she doesn't seem too upset or disturbed about it. I asked her why she's not even trying to write the words down and she says it's because the teacher goes too fast. I asked her if she can raise her hand and ask the teacher to slow down, and she said she's not allowed to raise her hand or ask such a thing. I wrote a note to the teacher saying that DD is having a problem with the spelling tests going too fast. Teacher never replied but told DD she can't slow down or the other kids will start talking. She wrote a note on the top of the next test saying "Keep trying! It will get easier!"

What is the WASI? Need to look that one up.