Thanks for all the input, everyone. Secured, how awesome that we have a current parent respond to this chain! Thank you. You provided great insight. So far, everything I have ever read online about Mirman at this point is consistent with all you have described here.

We were invited to apply online into the Mirman program after the psychologist submitted DS's WPPSI-III results. Tomorrow night is the once-a-year open house informational night and my husband and I are looking forward to attending it to learn more about the school. I also ran into a kid wearing a Mirman shirt at DS's Robotics class the other day. I approached the kid's dad and explained that I would love to chat with a parent about the school as we are seriously considering it. He gave his name and number and mentioned that they have been there 1 year and are very happy with the school and his son, he says, loves it. I plan on calling him after the open house and before I submit our application.

I will post as we progress. If anyone else has any input, please keep them coming! Much appreciated.
