Thank you all for sharing with me! Today at OT he showed phenomenal improvement in his writing. It was rather shocking really and so very cool to see. It seems like he is finally free to work on the disability rather than simply de-stress from school like before. The OT felt good about his progress and talked about him being ready to begin learning keyboarding.

He has been very writing phobic as long as I can remember, but on the way home we talked about elements of writing and brainstormed ideas to put together a book. He was actually enjoying thinking about a writing project rather than heading in to an anxiety jag at the mere mention of it!

My Mother-In-Law told me (when we made the decision a few weeks back) that she believed I would never regret making this decision.

I'm astonished at how much learning happens naturally (and seamlessly) without much thought or effort on my part. Although I guess it's always happened (hence the achievement w/o me actively teaching anything) and only been hampered by school and the age-grade lockstep model with all it's homework and long hours. It's nice to be free again like the toddler years.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 10/03/13 09:51 PM.