I never wanted to home school. My 2e PG, 61pt spread in processing/verbal, ADHD, DCD, Dyspraxic, Anxiety Disorder w PTSD, Dysgraphic DS is intense and exhausting. Lots of things are frustrating and I relished the breaks to recover that school offered. I really thought that both physically and mentally I could not survive home schooling.

But school just wasn't working. It was nowhere close to what he needed. It was killing him and me and admittedly the first few words the psychologist w/ specialization in gifted uttered after his first IQ/Achievement testing at 4 were: "Have you considered home schooling?" So I guess at nearly 7, we finally decided we needed to listen...

I am amazed at how easy this is.... I thought I would be overwhelmed but we are both so much more relaxed. I'm seeing for myself what works and what accommodations are needed. And we are having fun. It really takes so little time and so much less energy.

Yesterday was National Homemade Cookie day and of course we had to celebrate appropriately while discussing adding fractions and the chemistry of baking.

I love being able to be relaxed and flexible and letting him learn (and enjoy learning again) in creative ways. All the wisdom I've read here about not getting stuck in a curriculum has really freed me to not feel driven by specific learning standards that don't apply to the way he thinks and learns. So very much is now online that curriculum is very easy and flexible. He is years ahead of his age cohort so "falling behind" doesn't seem like a threat to hold me to the kill and drill mentality we experienced in school or the excessively long school day.

Life is short and it feels like home school has made it that much richer. Thank you to all of you who have educated and encouraged me so far on this journey. I know I would not have made it to this point without all of the generous and gracious help you have offered.