My DS's Beery VMI score was 105 with a percentile of 63. It says Age Equaivalent 7:1 (probably 7 years 1 month). He was 6 years 2 months when he took the test. It doesn't break the score down into different parts on the report like motor coordination and visual perception, which would have been helpful, because other tests show DS's motor coordination to be around the 1st percentile, and visual perception is 99th percentile. So I guess the 63 are those two things averaged out. Pretty useless in terms of whether a chld should be diagnosed with dysgraphia or DCD or something else requiring OT. DS was diagnosed with DCD based on a test called the Grooved Pegboard Test, where his Z scores were like -4. (plus other private OT assessments we've had in the past).
DS is in first grade and the school is in the process of evaluating him, mainly because we have a diagnosis from a neuropsych (DCD) and I'm making a huge fuss!