Thank you all so much! My ds is in 2nd grade. I have been "fighting" he school since Kindergarten and finally he was tested last spring (end of first grade) He is very bright and tests above average in all areas, yet he is consistently failing when there is any written work. He can tell you how words are spelled, explain answers well above grade level, and can verbally tell very detailed stories. However, when he has to write his thoughts down the letters are various sizes, some capitals some lower case, there is zero spacing, there are never complete sentences, and it is all unreadable unless you are used to deciphering his writing. I have mentioned dysgraphia MANY times, have brought research on it, and shared how he hits EVERY POINT of dysgraphia, but the school refuses to acknowledge it. They wont even use the word?!? I KNOW he has this... I know it is more then just weak fine motor skills (granted they are an issues as well). I have printed out more info on dysgraphia for this meeting... I hope they will listen now.

my main questions are going to be:
If not dysgraphia is it a developmental coordination disorder?
Will you start keyboarding with him?
What can we do to get his thoughts onto the paper?

Can you think of any others? He currently has an IEP due to his ADHD and he is pulled 30 minutes/ day to work on organization, time management, etc. I really want the OT added because he does need it (He is 8 and still struggles buttoning pants, eating with utensils, etc and it can't hurt the writing right?)