Ok, thanks. The language assessment was done by a private SLP, but of course she was not aware of other aspects of his IQ (like the high non-verbal). It's probably a weakness and he uses the giftedness to compensate, but I don't know how much of a gap there needs to be before it's a "disability". Also, he seems to be making so much improvement over where he was a couple years ago when he didn't even ask questions. It's defintely something I'm keeping my eye on. I don't know how much is asyncronous brain development, how much is DCD, or something else. His SLP at the school doesn't see any problem so I think it would be pointless to ask her to do an evaluation. If we got another private eval, I would want to make sure it's someone who understands 2e kids and knows what to look for. I have been so frustrated with people not having any idea what is going on with his speech and all the oddities, like the voice, the prosody, the fluency issues, etc. and not knowing how to treat it. He has had 3 SLPs with the school system so far and all of them seem clueless.