So far DD3 has seen the ped and SLP. She had auditory testing as both DD's have major issues with ear infections since 6wks old. That I'm sure is a small part of the speech problem. Her speech eval showed that cognitively she is great, but expressive was really low. They said that is part age being that the eval was given weeks after she turned 3 and that is the youngest they can give the test. ASD have been ruled out as well as ped and SLP say they don't see any signs at all.
She was talking by 6m (the norm mama and dada) and her vocabulary was growing but very slowly. When she should've had a vocab of 50 its was more like 25 (at least what was actually spoken, she could've had more words mentally I guess). When she did begin talking more around somewhere between 12-18m she spoke in 2 word phrases. She never spoke 1 word phrases, which I thought was a little odd but exciting especially since she didn't talk much. At first we thought she was just very shy.
I am so curious about her because she is exceptional with memory and directions, both driving directions and following directions. What is so odd is that she didn't walk until 15m and has a speech delay but yet exhibits other signs of giftedness. She is the complete opposite from DD7 but intense just like her at age 3.