Originally Posted by nicoledad
Back in my day you just did what the teacher told you and didn't question it. The problem is and I'm not accusing you of this is the parent always seems to take the kid's side. In regards to the writing my daughter is the same way.

I am actually not taking sides, but rather, trying to think logically about the whole situation. My goal is to raise a thoughtful, free-thinking and logical child with the right respect for authority (rather than an automaton). Forgive me if that sounds harsh, but I have seen what happened when we cowtowed to a school/teacher, rather than paying attention to our child's learning needs.

BTW, I am old enough to have also done what teachers asked without question. That is, until middle school, when I had a teacher who thought showing Beatles movies for days on end (he was a big fan) without any lessons to be drawn from same made for a good social studies curriculum. That's the first time I rebelled, and also the first time my mother, a very intelligent former teacher not given to interfering, backed me up.