So we recent got the results of DS10's neuropsych testing. He did demonstrate some attention problems, but not enough to really be diagnosed as ADHD, mostly because he does not exhibit the problems across multiple settings. Basically, when he is engaged and intellectually interested, he has no issues at all. But when he isn't he is quite difficult. I just checked with his accelerated math teacher who said DS is wonderful in class and seems to be on task. No issues there. Homeroom teacher noted "staying on task" as a problem in the recent progress report, but when I asked for more details she said he needs reminders to get started but then does what he's supposed to do. She also said she's taught kids with attention problems before and doesn't see that in DS. Whereas, last year's homeroom teacher was constantly criticizing him for not being on task, wandering around the room, etc. It was pretty bad by the end of the year.

I'm starting to get a feeling of "It's not him, it's them." It seems if he is at least moderately intellectually challenged, he's ok. The math accel is one year advanced which still is below his performance on the achievement test the pysch gave, but I guess its enough to keep him focused. One big problem is writing. He resists writing and the gifted program emphasizes this heavily. He did not come up as dysgraphic, but he does have delayed fine motor skills which make writing a chore for him. He has also become really anxious with anything timed (Otter Creek math facts especially). I think there may be frustration as well that it is hard for him to write what he is intellectually capable of because his thoughts are way more advanced than his hands. So he tries to avoid it altogether. I do think he would be better off if he could dictate or type as his typing develops.

So, I don't know what to make of things. We have a follow up visit with the psych in a few weeks. She said that she is willing to diagnose him with ADHD in order for him to receive accommodations, but I don't know what to think about that. If we don't officially diagnose him, he gets no guarantee of accommodations, which could potentially keep him out of the gifted program in middle school if the writing catch up significantly. I feel that actually, his "attention-deficit" is actually intensity/overexcitability, just an intense need for stimulation. I also feel like his sensory processing disorder is similar. He is a sensory seeker, not necessarily because he is "undersensitive" but because he physically and mentally craves physical stimulation. As he's matured, he is better able to control these things, but he still melts down sometimes. I always think of that nursery rhyme, "When she was good she was good, but when she was bad, she was horrid." He can be mature beyond his years one minute and having a toddler like temper tantrum the next. But the tantrums are getting farther apart, thankfully.

So, I don't know where I'm going with this. I want to make sure that his educational environment meets his needs. Is getting the ADHD diagnosis the only way to guarantee that? It is frustrating. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!