He knew all letters and numbers at about 18 months but never started to read until kindergarten. He has extremely poor decoding skills. He does have excellent comprehension while reading silently, especially if he is reading long and complex material. If he reads short instructions, he often is confused. His spoken reading is poor...often skipping and substituting words and letters. His IQ scores put him squarely in the PG range (he hit ceilings on multiple subtests but we didn't do extended norms, so I don't know how high his IQ really is). He only reads about 1-2 grade levels up. He is clearly dysgraphic - extremely poor spelling, poor handwriting. He can give you a wonderfully creative oral response to a question or prompt, but his written response is that of child much younger.

He loves reading and devours books. But if there are no pictures in them, he won't touch them.

Last edited by somewhereonearth; 09/30/13 04:48 PM.