Melessa I have been going through the same thing but as the result of a totally different personality type. I am highly verbal and tend to beat people over the head. I do not agree to anything if presented by someone who has violated my trust in the past. I instinctively look down the road and analyze the possible repercussions of what will happen if this thing they propose - which is clearly a mistake - goes wrong. Unfortunately my "worst case scenario" assessments have come true more often than I could have ever imagined. This prevents me from being a team player and biting my tongue even when intellectually I know that would be the best course of action.

Yes in the end I have "beaten them into submission" and gotten my DD a boat load of services including out of district placement. It has taken a huge toll on me, though. I find myself wondering all the time if I could have been just as successful without being so angry and aggressive. Sadly every time I have tried to go against my personality and not be "that parent" it has bitten my DD in the derrière. So I continue on in the way that has proven to be the most successful result wise. Every time I let my guard down even a little bit I feel like my DD pays the price. It's exhausting.

And yes I also fall in the "logic is all that should be needed" category. Unbelievably frustrating to spell it out clearly and logically, have everyone nod their heads in agreement and understanding and then watch as it all falls apart. This is especially frustrating on the 2E end when dealing with a child whose profile is so incredibly rare that we have to constantly battle against people who don't believe her situation is real until they see it for themselves. This is usually as a result of them taking actions that I know in advance are setting her up to fail. Once you experience this a few times and have to pick up the pieces of your already fragile child being hurt yet again how can I not become "that parent" and fight like a mother bear protecting her cub?