So DD had her first 8th grade level reading comprehension class today. Apparently they worked on a story called "The Last Dog" which she described as "a futuristic sci-fi story." Since there is no access to audio books (see a separate thread about me beating my head into a brick wall...) she listened as the class read it aloud and then participated in a discussion about the vocabulary in the story. The only word she could remember was "Without or lacking a body, as in 'disembodied'", her definition.

She seems happy to be able to do this but felt the older kids weren't quite sure just what to make of having a little kid in the class with them. Once we get the audio book situation worked out I will have to ask more questions about what they are going to be covering. I assume since it's a special ed school they will be sensitive to the topics covered. And if she is with only 3 other kids there should be enough flexibility. I sure hope so anyway. We are due for something to work out properly.