Originally Posted by ultramarina
I admit I struggle with the feeling that every child should learn to read music and understand basic music theory, but she just doesn't want the lesssons right now, so there we are. The MP3 player was a "duh" innovation that has really allowed her to do more and enjoy herself, so maybe some other computer tool could allow even more exploration. She can't notate anything except for what she writes for recorder (which is, uh, not the world's most versatile instrument!--but I'm glad she has learned it).

I haven't seen recorder music in ages... is it not regular notation with the usual music notes, bars, etc? If it's not, and if you know how to read music, maybe what you could do is spend just a small amount of time showing your dd what notes correspond to which lines etc on the piano so that she can transcribe her songs - *if* she wants to.
