Our dd is 6 and in kindergarten (late birthday), and was just tested last week. I can imagine that her results will be more reliable than this time last year, but due to other issues our psych said we still won't get a clear picture of her iq. He said her numbers are probably higher than the scores will indicate, so waiting an extra year doesn't magically assure reliability.

We have always heard the right time to test is when the results will make a difference, and I assume they would help your dd now. I can imagine your frustration with the school; we were fed the same bs by the school dd attended last year. We immediately started looking for another option, because dd complained of stomachaches and would beg to stay home from school. Though a new school did not solve Dd's classroom issues, her new teachers and administrators want to help her succeed. It's no surprise that she loves school ths year.

I share that to let you know you aren't alone, and to let you know I wish you luck. It's not a fun journey, but I think you're doing the right thing to test now.

Last edited by MbaMom; 09/16/13 07:43 AM. Reason: autocorrect error