MOST schools have a sort of de facto limit on AP since they have "prerequisites" (often mandating that a student have spent a year in the "prep" course covering the material prior to tackling the AP version*), that only junior or senior students can enroll in AP, that no student may take more than two or three at once, etc. etc.

* and frankly, how in the heck are students supposed to TAKE all of those prerequisite courses, all of the different graduation requirements, AND fit in AP, I'd like to know?


Yes-- kids game the system for GPA points. On the other hand, it does you no good at all to take three AP classes unless you get A's in them, if you KWIM.

They are harder than the standard/honors courses, if only because of the rate and workload.

DD will graduate having taken just 4 full-year AP classes. It's all she's had time for, frankly-- in light of the silly prerequisite thing, I mean.

On the other hand, limiting honors/college prep coursework seems bad, bad, bad to me. She's taken about 14 of those.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.