Hi Willa,
Yes, Mathnasium is expensive which is why I am soliciting opinions.

I have come to realize that even with a supportive school situation; he will never progress as quickly as he is capable without also receiving advanced instruction. He learns things especially easily with one on one instruction, although, I�m not certain how much of that he will receive with this franchise.

The reason I am considering this is because there is a gap between his math reasoning and math computation skills. Essentially, his aptitude is beyond his current level of education. Of course, much of that is being addressed now that he has be placed up one grade for math, but he really craves and learns best with the big picture first, followed by the steps.

But yes, it will be very expensive! That is certainly one of the big hardships of raising a gifted child. It is also why I am very happy (an envious) of others here whose children are educated appropriately through their local public districts.