Originally Posted by master of none
But Mom, why do I have to be different? Why can’t I just be with my friends and do regular school? ...
What is my answer to this whine???

I don't know the answer to this whine, but here's the answer to a related whine. DS is going through an anti-perfectionist phase; he'd be content to not think about anything, turn in things when he felt like it, and get A- / B+ . But he also wants to go into medicine or science and make a ton of money; he just cannot connect the short term with the long term.

My current speech: Would you really want to go to a doctor who'd only mastered 89% of the material? Truly? I wouldn't.

You don't owe me anything, but you ought to make the best use of you, for your own good and the good of the world. Not working in school right now means you're not going to know as much later, and that means not making the best use of you.
