We are not in the district of the "good enough" middle school here, HappilyMom. Our home middle school has a weapon and drug problem so it's a no go.

I would LOVE to home school him (and DD) but I am actually in elected office (in a job I love)so "taking a break" or cutting back are not options. There's also the insurance . . .

One of his struggles is lack of friends. He never gets invited anywhere and no one is ever free to come over when he invites them. He is a big-hearted kid with a GREAT sense of humor but shy, sensitive and lacking in confidence. He is also a poor athlete, small, skinny, slow, sound-sensitive and still mistaken for a 5th grader regularly. None of this helps socially at all.

The teachers care but they are surprisingly inflexible. I think they just don't get that their one-size-fits-all approach for study skills and learning personal responsibility just doesn't work for him. I might be able to educate them given enough time and effort. Maybe.

I think his meds are okay. We just visited the doctor in July to do a med check. I believe the school would let us go for switching to meet his academic needs.

The other family members are just baffled. No one has any serious insight to offer so far. DS had a tough year last year too both socially and academically but his excellent teachers worked with him intensively and he made great progress, especially in writing.

I make lots of tough decisions every day in my job but this is so much harder.