DS12, ADHD and dysgraphic, is off to a disastrous start in 7th grade in his small private school. The teachers have disappointed me with their inflexibility regarding DS's struggles. I met with them last spring and provided his testing and accommodations, but they have not followed through with any of them this year despite prompting from me. He is required to handwrite almost everything, spelling is counted off on every assignment, points counted off for not doing the paper heading exactly right, etc. etc. The teachers are unwilling to scaffold his lack of organization in the least, taking the position that he needs to "learn to do it himself" this year. DS is also required to participate in after school athletics all year which cuts into homework time.

DS has pulled in very low grades so far and no end seems to be in sight. He is not putting forth his best effort (I am not sure he will ever like school enough to do so) but part of his low grade problems are due to lack of any support by the teachers. Even more worrisome, no one but me and his algebra teacher seem at all concerned. Even she insisted that he has to recopy a whole math worksheet (problems AND answers) before school because he did it in pen instead of pencil in order to get a 70 on it instead of a 0. Sigh

We have two options: Option 1 is a small religious school that has a specific program within a program for kids with learning disabilities. Pros: This program has daily support and access to technology to help kids like him but keeps him in the same academics with other students. They also appear to have some interesting tech classes later on like robotics that DS will probably like. He might be able to switch RIGHT NOW. Cons: Their overall academics are okay but not excellent. Their college matriculation list is very uninspiring. They also require 4 years of Bible for graduation which is a LOT.

Option 2 is a larger private with excellent academics and lots of emphasis on creative problem solving in the middle school. Pros: This is an outstanding school and the big picture, creative classes would really suit DS' thinking style. Their headmaster is a Ph.D. mathematician and DS is a mathy kid. Cons: They have no spots currently. They have no special programs for 2e kids so I have no idea if they will follow his accommodations either. Some of the parents of graduates have confided concerns about senior burn out from the rigor of the AP-class dominated upper school.

Do we yank DS out and try Option 1? Do we try to hang in and try for Option 2 next year? DS is a perennial school underachiever so I am afraid to put him in a more rigorous school with no support. I also don't want to limit his future by allowing him to continue to underachieve by putting him in a second tier school. His cognitive abilities are quite high (PRI 141 and VCI 121) but he is very immature, both physically and mentally, and a professional-level procrastinator. Will he bloom at a harder but more suitable school? Will he fail 7th grade at his current school if I don't pull him now? Will I limit his ability to achieve his potential by putting him in a mediocre school or allow him to achieve more because of the extra support? Thoughts?

Last edited by fwtxmom; 09/10/13 01:22 PM.