Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
I'm curious if when you get a diagnosis of dysgraphia or related disorder if the professional's documentation includes the mention of pain after a certain period of time? I think that might be one of those inarguable points: "So, you want to require my son to do work that causes him physical pain?"

Our neuropsych's report didn't include this, but pain was very real for our ds when he was in early elementary and trying to use handwriting at school. Handwriting OT actually helped alleviate that pain to a large extent - for awhile. He's in middle school now, and starting around 6th grade ds noted that he has wrist and hand pain again if he uses handwriting for more than just a few minutes.

It has been helpful (and important) for our ds to point out to his teachers that it causes pain - this is something his teachers just don't anticipate, and no matter how hard it is to have some teachers truly understand the impact of dysgraphia on written expression content etc... they do tend to really and easily understand the concept of pain and truly don't want students to be in pain. Plus, honestly, I think they are more likely to think parents are going to be upset with the school over pain....... just a gut feeling :lol:

When/if our ds has another neuropsych eval, next time around, I want to be sure that the pain he feels when handwriting is mentioned. The report he has clearly states that he should not be using handwriting for schoolwork etc, but I still think that having the info about pain included would be helpful when advocating.
