Originally Posted by polarbear
Irena, have you seen a draft of this report or a copy of a previous report from this neuropsych?

No, this is all verbal... I won't have a report for weeks (there are about 20 kids ahead of DS apparently) frown

Originally Posted by polarbear
My ds' neuropsych reports list the individual scores first for VCI/PRI/PSI/WM with subtest scores reported immediately under each and GAI (in the place FSIQ would normally be) below, as the last item listed for the WISC results - so the FSIQ/GAI isn't what really sticks out as noticable first or foremost, it's the long list of other scores. I'm just wondering if maybe once you see the format of the report, it won't seem quite as disheartening as it sounds?

That's what I am hoping/figuring when I say 'the report will probably come out fine' - and she said she will draw attention to the gifted as well as the disabilities. I guess I am getting very tired of focusing on disabilities at this point - tired of highlighting them. I want the gifted highlighted and that need addressed too. No one seems to think that is a priority ... at least that is how it feels anyway. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Btw, Polar, I asked if she diagnosed DS with dysgraphia and she said said the dx is 'DCD affecting handwriting and fine motor' (particularly due to the fact that schools don't recognize dysgraphia). I thought that was interesting. Personally, I thought one could have dysgraphia without necessarily having DCD but in my DS's case I do believe he has both so ... but I though that was kind of interesting.