DS10 and DD7 are both theoretically supposed to go to bed at 9:00 pm and get up at 6:45 am on school days. DD7 is generally asleep by 9:30, although some nights she is getting up for things (growing pains, drink of water, hungry, forgot to tell me something, etc.) until 10-10:30. This gets better as the school year becomes a habit. DS10 is a night owl like his mother, and I'm lucky if he's asleep by 10:30. Any day when he doesn't have to get up early, he's up till midnight, 1 am, just like me.

Like HK said, no amount of sleep ever gets either one of us to the ability to bounce out of bed happily. Ever. DD7 is an early-morning bouncer, and she naturally falls asleep earlier, too.