DD14 now goes to bed at 9:30 and I wake her at 5:50 AM.

I'd say that this is "adequate" sleep for her-- it is as much sleep as she's ever gotten, truthfully. At 8-10, she would go to bed between 10 and 11 and get up about 7. She's never been what I'd call a morning person, though, and no amount of sleep allows her to just "pop" out of bed and rapidly become alert. She has also always been slow to go to sleep and has suffered from insomnia, which may have a genetic component in her case.

We have circumvented this problem (well, both problems, really) by having her put vigorous exercise FIRST thing in her day. I get her up so that she has the time to do it. But this way she has some down-time to wake up completely, and she also gets the exercise into her day in a way that doesn't interfere with her sleep cycle. The most current evidence re: insomnia and exercise says that YES, it helps significantly... once you've been at it regularly for months. No quick fix, unfortunately. It has to be a lifestyle thing.

We've also found that it is SUPER important for her to keep to more-or-less the same schedule day in and day out. Moving bedtime even an hour really messes things up.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.