I agree with Melessa 100% that Kinder can be very damaging!

My DS6 HATED kindergarten for same reasons. DS complained he wasn't learning anything new. I tried saying just give it some time, but weeks turned to months and DS was miserable.

The teacher was no help, stating just b/c DS memorized "sight words" or simple math facts, didn't mean he could read & comprehend etc and so on... I asked if she had ever actually HAD him read to her, and then retell the story or answer other questions to show comprehension? (she hadn't)

I pulled DS from kinder after nearly 3mos. He was pretty much shutting down @ that point. I was angry at myself for not taking real action sooner.

I enrolled him in the public independent study program, where they assessed him and gave him 1st grade work. Even though the work was still fairly easy for DS, esp with 1:1 teaching-- I got my happy, eager to learn new things, kid back!!

DS is now in 2nd- in the same program for now.

*If this is a real issue with your child and you aren't getting the help you need- I would definitely be Proactive, you are your kiddos best advocate. I don't know what options are available to you, but start looking in to them...
best of luck!!

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller