"Uh, no math books. I do have the Math for the Gifted Student one. And no reading/writing ones. But I have a teachers' supply store nearby...I find that with those, I often need to flip through them."

My kids love love love the Buki Books Calc-u-color (or colour). Unlike so many math coloring sheets, it's actually hard to tell what the picture is until it's colored. The one available in the US has pretty hard 2-digit arithmetic with parentheses, but I got a set of 3 from Australia that are at different levels. The lowest has only addition and subtraction less than 15. Maybe first grade level? Probably beyond the other kinders, but a fun kind of worksheet if that's what the rest of the class is doing.

Buki has a variety of math+art+puzzle books that might suit your purpose. Some educator's shops have a good selection.