I am feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with school (and life but that's a topic for somewhere else).

The backdrop is that my husband and I are about to separate after a year an a half of work to repair our marriage from unhealthy behaviors he is unwilling to stop. He literally plans to move out this weekend after 10 yrs of marriage. Our son is sensing his dad pulling away and is back to full blown anxiety (he has a diagnosed anxiety disorder anyway). So plenty of stress to go around and I feel like I may be overreacting to what I am hearing at school. I know I am not "on my game" for the advocacy I need to be doing but am disappointed in how things seem to be shifting the wrong direction after all our meetings and work last year.

Last year they tested my child and promised subject acceleration for this year as he outscored their children taught in the target grade. I've just been notified that they will be doing more testing to make sure my child knows "common vocabulary, basic skills, and has no holes and gaps in his learning". I know the placement we were given is not nearly enough as their testing also showed already... and am frustrated because my child's learning disabilities (for which they are delaying the process to address) make repeated testing a hardship for him. They say all the children will be tested but ugh!

I am also being told that they want to "give time to settle in" before starting the process for the 504 paperwork I asked for this summer. We see the Neuropsychologist in a couple weeks and I will have all my info together at that point, but I know without starting the paperwork and getting something scheduled it often takes months to get them to move forward.

So I'm pretty emotionally strained already and not feeling cool headed enough to think clearly about this or interface much with school. I would just love it if some of you would help talk me through this. I have 2 emails sitting that I need to respond to and am vacillating on what to say in response to their rather disappointing words.