DS10 took the Explore this past year and had a composite of 20...he qualifies in every category. The required composite is a 17. We currently homeschool and I am getting concerned about his re-entry into ps next year or the year after for 7th or 6th grade.

My concern comes from the fact that ds12 starts school on Monday. We have gone through the IEP process. The only ability grouping is done in math and a compressed reading course so they can fit in gifted class 2x/wk. I am wondering if I apply for ds10 to Davidson and he is accepted whether it will be at all helpful to me in getting ds10 accommodated as he re-enters. Partly the issue is I don't really believe he is PG so I hate to apply, but if it will help with the school then I guess it will be worth the effort. On the other hand, I am not even sure what accommodations I would want for this child. I do not want him to grade skip.


Last edited by brownie; 08/24/13 06:17 AM.