oh us, too! i am the worst for falling asleep, and always have been (i have memories from being 5 and still being up when my mum would get in from chaperoning a high school dance.)

DD5 is just the same. our deal is that i read to her for 1/2 hour every night (we just started Agatha Christie mysteries - she's loving that - and it was a big part of my childhood so it's very snuggly, if perhaps a little too mentally engaging? WHO DID IT! THEORIES! FUN!)

however, after that is done, my deal with DD is that she is welcome to read a familiar book as long as she likes until she falls asleep. not something new, bedtime is not the time for that. i know she's up late nearly every night, and she never, ever "catches up" like i wish she would, but we've concentrated on getting her to at least enjoy a relaxing, peaceful bedtime. she's also allowed to listen to Brian Eno's Music for Airports if she's really in trouble - it's the most relaxing music i've ever heard. (and yes, i'm super old.)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.