Couple of weeks ago , i was talking with a new neighbour who is a gifted teacher of a high school , and she was also a gifted too . She mentioned during our conversation that gifted children usually have trouble sleeping .

Now that she mentioned it .. i remember , during school year , DS mentioned so many times about oh how hard it was for him to fall asleep , that he finally fell asleep when it was 11 , 12 or sometimes 2 am !! And i just brushed it off , i thought he was exaggerating it , he does have clocks in his bedroom , but sort of didn't believe him . And i said well maybe you felt like it took forever to fall asleep ..

But after i heard from my neighbour telling me about how gifted kids usually have trouble falling asleep , it makes me wonder . Does this happen to any of your children ? And if they do have this problem , what should you do ?
I let DS wind down by reading books before bed .. meaning he's reading in bed , but at certain time , such as 9 or 9.30 , that's it , lights off and no more reading , time to sleep . But it doesn't seem to help ..

Any idea ?