We started homeschooling several years ago for many of the same reasons. Our DS is very happy now. (It took about a month for him to re-discover his love of learning.) And, we also had a lot of negative feedback from friends. I think they were worried for us and maybe even a little jealous that we were courageous enough to try it. At first I was upset by their comments, but over time I learned to brush the doubts they created aside.

It's funny...some of these same people will ask me how we're doing now 5 years later, and when I tell them all the amazing things we're learning and how great the kids are doing with their friendships, etc., their follow-up question is, "so when are they going back to school?" -- It appears they still can't break out of their brick-and-mortar mentality. At that point I just say, "who knows...maybe never."

I would second the suggestion to look for a coop that matches your needs. We have always belonged to a coop of one sort or another and have found them to be wonderful experiences. Not only do they give the chance for the kids to socialize, but they can also provide extra learning opportunities, as well as a support network for homeschooling parents. -- In our last coop (where we used to live), there were several virtual school students. The parents used the coop to supplement what the kids weren't doing at home.