I second Zen Scanner's suggestion to get her checked by a developmental optometrist. I have been going through a similar struggle with my son (age 7). He also has similar challenges as your little one - particularly low in motor coodination, visual -motor very low and handwriting issues... His codign score was deplorable. It has been suggested/hinted in the past that he is ADHD (tho it's, I guess it's 'subclinical,' b/c he doesn't quite meet the criteria so never formally diagnosed with that and I resist that Dx b/c I just know that it isn't the 'real' problem. And I do think there is a problem but I don't believe it is ADHD and I fear that a misdiagnosis like that (and giving him drugs) could be very detrimental in that the true problem would continue to go untreated and he would be inappropriately be given medicine, which I assume could cause damage if he does not really have adhd. Anyway, he was diagnosed with EDS (a connective tissue disorder) and it was suggested by the diagnosing doc that dyspraxia is often co-morbid. I am reading a lot on dyspraxia and DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder - another name for it) and I really believe it's what he has. Why everyone (i.e., professionals) has been missing it, I have no idea because the more I read about it, the more obvious it is to me that that is what he has. He does have convergence vision issues but that is also really common with dyspraxia/DCD (I had no idea) and EDS. Have you looked into that maybe? It is an impairment in the development of motor coordination. With my son his gross motor skills are somewhat affected but his fine motor skills are very affected (hence the handwriting issues and dysgraphia). It can cetainly be co-morbid with adhd but it can exsist without adhd and, I believe, it is often mistaken for adhd. It affects more boys than girls, though. Anyway just some thoughts! I really know how you feel!

Last edited by Irena; 08/16/13 12:29 PM.